In July 2024 we visited the Vianello family in Venice. The family produces the famous Terrazzo by pure manual labour. Terrazzo has been in use for centuries, mostly for manors and castles or public spaces of particularly high splendour. Terrazzo combines small marble (or other natural stones or glass) and cement (or similar binding material) […]
Tag Archives: marble
Wie reinigt man Marmor am besten?Marmor ist ein wunderschöner Stein, und die Freude über seine Ästhetik ist groß, wenn man bedingt, das eigene Haus damit auszustatten. Fliesen, Wandverkleidungen, Arbeitsplatten – der Möglichkeiten gibt es viele. Aber wie hält man den Marmor instand? So schwierig ist das gar nicht: Tägliche PflegeDie regelmäßige Pflege ist wichtig, auch […]
Die Frage “Marmor oder Granit” wird oft gestellt und kann zu durchaus heftigen Diskussionen zwischen den Vertretern der beiden “Lager” führen. In Wahrheit ist es aber ganz simpel: Die erste Frage muss lauten: Welchen Zweck soll der Stein erfüllen? Natürlich stellen wir Ästhetik gerne über Pragmatik oder Praxistauglichkeit, aber wir dürfen dabei nicht vergessen, dass […]
Even Seneca already praised the marble from the island of Thasos in Greece, naming it “marmor Thasium”. The marble from Thasos has been quarried since the 5th century BC, and is often pure white and coarse-grained, with resplendent crystals. The location makes it easy to be transported by ship, and the blocks to be obtained […]
Location: Athens, Greece Date built: 447 – 438 BC (decorations continued till 432 BC) Height: 18 m Base Area: 69.5 x 30.9 metres Dedicated to: Goddess Athena Material: Marble and limestone Located on the Acropolis of Athens, Parthenon was built in the age of Pericles between 447 and 432 BCE and was dedicated to the […]
Marmor kommt in so vielen Farben vor, dass eine Entscheidung für oder gegen eine davon oft sehr schwer fällt. Einige Farben haben charakteristische Eigenschaften (wohl natürlich auch aufgrund der Herkunft des Marmors), ein paar Beispiele finden sich nachfolgend. Weißer MarmorWeißer Marmor ist nicht nur wunderschön und elegant, sondern verleiht dem Raum auch mehr davon, nämlich […]
It is one thing to have so many different types of beautiful marble in stock. Still, only when seen ‘in action’, i.e. in a real project, its full beauty will be brought out, the way nature and architecture form a symbiosis that is more than its individual parts. Below you will read a little bit […]
Marble is a metamorphic rock, formed when limestone is subjected to staggering amounts of pressure. It consists mostly of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), or a combination of calcite minerals and dolomite. The rock’s name stems from the Greek word “marmaros”, which in literal translation means “shiny stone”. In it’s purest form, the stone is white, but […]
Damasta is an exceptionally beautiful marble from the island of Crete in Greece. Damasta features a dark grey, almost black colour as background with strong, wavy and scattered white veins throughout the stone. Its appearance is eyecatching without ever boring or tiring the eye, a trait that makes it suitable for both small and large […]
Egyptian Marbles – Popularity that Transcends CenturiesMan and marble is a relationship that dates back to centuries. The marble quarrying and processing industries are one of the earliest industries known to man. As early as 5,000 years ago, the Egyptians had discovered 40 different ornamental stones. Their personal favourites were granite and Alabaster marbles, among […]