Tag Archives: portugal

Portuguese Marble

Portuguese Marble

Portugal has a long and rich history in stone extraction. Its history stretches back to the heydays of the Roman Empire, where it was used in major monuments spread across Spanish and Portuguese landscapes. Interestingly, the Portuguese marble was also exported throughout Brazil, India and Africa. It underlines the importance of marble in the architecture […]

Der Paco Ducal in Vila Viçosa


Der Palast des Hauses Braganza – das in der portugiesischen Monarchie von 1640 bis 1910 herrschte – in Vila Viçosa (etwa 150km östlich von Lissabon) ist ein imposantes Beispiel portugiesischer (Renaissance-)Architektur. Der Bau begann im frühen 16. Jahrhundert und nahm gut 100 Jahre in Anspruch. Bis zum Jahre 1640 blieb es der Hauptsitz des Hauses […]

Rosa Aurora

Rosa Aurora

Between Estremoz and Vila Viçosa, we can find quarries that are the source of some of Portugal’s best known decorative marble: Rosa Aurora. These marbles are translucent with a granular texture, and their colour can vary a lot from pure white to creamy, orange, and pink. The often delicate background colours are interrupted by streaks […]