Schon seit seiner Entdeckung zählt Marmor zu den beliebtesten Natursteinen sowohl für den Innen- als auch Außenbereich. Als metamorphes Gestein hat es vorzügliche Eigenschaften für den Einsatz für Bauwerke, vorausgesetzt, man ist gewillt, den entsprechenden Preis dafür zu bezahlen. Die rein technischen Charakteristika sind es jedoch gar nicht, sondern vielmehr die unglaubliche Vielfalt an Ästhetik, […]
Tag Archives: marble
Marble is one of the oldest and most amazing stones to be used in the market to date. Starting from ancient Rome and Greece to the present day, marble is widely used across the world and has a multitude of different applications. Some of these applications are relatively new such as kitchen tops and being […]
Natural stone is a delicate material. On its journey from quarries to our bathrooms and table-tops, the exploitation process requires meticulous work. Italian marble, as such, is considered as one of the most luxurious masonry products. Moreover, while it is quarried from many locations around the globe, Italian marble is still the most sought-after. It […]
Marble is an ideal choice for flooring, kitchen countertops, bathroom vanity and various home refurbishments. While it is visually appealing, durable and long-lasting, marble needs regular cleaning and maintenance to preserve its natural beauty. Marble is a metamorphic rock that is formed of re-crystallized carbonate mineral which makes it susceptible to etching by acids. Likewise, […]
Date opened: 9 BC Location: Rome, Italy Architectural style: Ancient Roman Architecture Material: Marble Ara Pacis, which is also known as Ara Pacis Augustae (Latin for “Altar of the Augustan Peace”) is a shrine consisting of a marble altar which is enclosed by walls. This was erected on January 30th, 9 BC in Rome’s Campus […]
Date built: 1935 Location: Washington, D.C. Architect: Cass Gilbert Built under: Chief Justice Hughes Material: Marble The United States Supreme Court building also referred to as the ‘Marble Palace’ by John P. Frank, was designed based on the Roman temple form. The tall Corinthian columns that are reached by a grand flight of stairs gives […]