Archiv: armenien

Armenian Basalt

Armenian Basalt

An introduction to Armenian basaltBasalt is an aphanitic (fine-grained) igneous rock, usually black in colour, formed by rapid cooling of molten lava. It is known as the earth’s most abundant bedrock, as most of the oceans’ crust is comprised of it. Around 90% of all volcanic rock on earth is basalt. The main components of […]

Armenian Tuff

Armenian Tuff

Tuff, also known as volcanic tuff, is a type of natural rock that is formed from the ashes left over as a consequence of volcanic activity. When volcanic ash is expelled from a vent during the time of a volcanic eruption, the ash itself cools and solidifies following ejection and deposition, thus consolidating in a […]

Travertine – Armenian, Italian, and Turkish

Travertin - Armenien Italien Türkei

Travertine is one of the most commonly found and used building materials today. Having a concentric appearance and a refined touch, an exceptional rustic texture as well as neutral and striking colours, travertine is prevalent in both residential and commercial applications. Turkish TravertineTurkey has vast deposits of a broad spectrum of natural stones, travertine being […]