Tag Archives: natural stone

2x Natural Stone in Verona

Ponte Scaligero

We all know Verona has a lot more to offer than “just” natural stone. The famous city on the Adiger river is one of the main cultural centres in the north/northeast of Italy. We will take a quick glimpse at 2 spectacular buildings: The Scaligero (also: Castelvecchio) Bridge, and the Arco dei Gavi. The bridge […]

Alabastro di Volterra


If you have ever been to Volterra, this charming town on a hill in Tuscany, with its narrow and winding streets, then you certainly know the countless shops offering sculptures, vases, and many other decorative items made from alabaster. The top quality alabaster is almost snow white with delicate veins and actually originates from Castellina […]

Grape Agate


Grape Agate is a relatively new find of stone from Indonesia. These grape agates are actually aggregates of quartz coming together in a spherical (botryoidal) shape. The grapes typically range from 2mm to 8mm in diameter, and the prevalent colour is purple, although they can also feature white, grey, green, and blue colours. Interestingly, the […]

White Makrana


White Makrana marble is probably India’s most famous marble, being the marble used to build one of the best known Unesco World Heritage Sites: The Taj Mahal. White Makrana is being quarried at the western edge of the Aravalli mountains, close to the town of Makrana in the province Rajasthan. This area contributes more marble […]

Afyon Marmor


Afyon ist ein wunderschöner Marmor aus der Türkei. Aus technischer Sicht ist er durchaus ein typischer Marmor hinsichtlich Dichte, Porosität, etc. Die Variationen sind vielfältig, so gibt es Afyon White mit dezenten Venierungen ebenso wie beispielsweise Afyon Violet, der eine wesentlich farbenfrohere Variante des Afyon ist. Sie zeichnet sich durch außergewöhnliche Muster aus, die teilweise […]

Premium Marmor – Anwendungsbeispiel Bookmatching


Ganz grundsätzlich kann man bei verschiedenen Marmorarten zwischen “commercial” (Industrie-) und “premium” Marmor unterscheiden. Ersterer stellt vor allem Funktionalität in den Vordergrund, wobei die Ästhetik natürlich nicht zu kurz kommen darf. Bei Premium Marmor hingegen konzentrieren wir uns in erster Linie auf die Ästhetik, die prinzipiell durch die Farbgebung, Farbsättigung und Intensität sowie Venierung definiert […]

Physical and mechanical characteristics of natural stone


Natural stone has various physical and mechanical parameters that differ from stone to stone. Let’s have a look at some of them that are most commonly used. Weight per unit of volume = the ratio between the weight and the apparent volume of the stone which corresponds to its actual weight. This also includes the holes […]

The hardness of natural stone


Why is it important to know the hardness of natural stone? The hardness of stone can decide, for example, how easily natural stone can be polished, and how long this polishing will last. The so-called Mohs scale is a scale ranging from 1 to 10, with ten being the hardest. This scale is a relative […]