Kategorie Archiv: Architektur

Der Paco Ducal in Vila Viçosa


Der Palast des Hauses Braganza – das in der portugiesischen Monarchie von 1640 bis 1910 herrschte – in Vila Viçosa (etwa 150km östlich von Lissabon) ist ein imposantes Beispiel portugiesischer (Renaissance-)Architektur. Der Bau begann im frühen 16. Jahrhundert und nahm gut 100 Jahre in Anspruch. Bis zum Jahre 1640 blieb es der Hauptsitz des Hauses […]

The beauty of marble facades: Palazzo Santa Sofia


Architectural Style: Venetian Gothic Location: Venice, Italy Construction started: 1428Construction stopped: 1430Material: Brick, Marble  Standing on the northern bank of Venice’s Grand Canal is The Palazzo Santa Sofia or the Ca D’Oro (House of Gold), whose intricately carved marble façade only gives a glimpse of its original glory. This house is one of the most notable examples of late Venetian Gothic architecture, […]

2x Naturstein in Verona

Ponte Scaligero

Verona bietet natürlich nicht nur etwas für Natursteinliebhaber und -Kenner. Die berühmte Stadt an der Etsch (Adige) mi Veneto ist ein großes und beliebtes Kulturzentrum im Norden bzw. Nordosten Italiens. 2 Bauten greifen wir heute kurz heraus: Die Scaligero (auch: Castelvecchio) Brücke und den Arco dei Gavi (Gavierbogen). Die Brücke gilt als eine der Wunder […]

Oslo Opera House – Carrara Marble


Location: Oslo, Norway Architects: Snøhetta Typology: Opera House Area: 38,500 m2 Year: 2007 The Oslo Opera House (Operahuset in Norwegian) is renowned worldwide as the building shaped like it is emerging from within the water. Located at the head of the Oslofjord, on the tip of the Bjørvika peninsula, it was inaugurated in 2008 after seven […]

Akropolis in Athen : Marmor


Jeder kennt sie, die Akropolis in Athen – jene monumentale Burg, die auf einem der Hügel Athens gelegen, seit Jahrtausenden die darunter liegende Stadt überschaut. Der Großteil der Gebäude wurde aus Holz und – wenig überraschend – Stein gebaut. Was den Stein angeht, kam vielerorts Kalkstein und Marmor zum Einsatz, wie die nachfolgenden Beispiele zeigen […]

Physical and mechanical characteristics of Natural Stone


Natural stone has various physical and mechanical parameters that differ from stone to stone. Let’s have a look at some of them that are most commonly used. Weight per unit of volume = the ratio between the weight and the apparent volume of the stone which corresponds to its actual weight. This also includes the […]

The Leaning Tower of Pisa

Leaning Tower of Pisa

Date built: 1372Height: 55.8mOriginal use: Churches bell towerUse during history: Supposedly by Galileo Galilei for his free fall experiments; during WW II Germans used it as an observation post Use nowadays: As a tourist attractionMaterial: Marble and limestone The tower of Pisa is amongst the four structures that make up the cathedral complex of Pisa, […]

Ara Pacis

Ara Pacis Augustae

Date opened: 9 BC Location: Rome, Italy Architectural style: Ancient Roman Architecture Material: Marble Ara Pacis, which is also known as Ara Pacis Augustae (Latin for „Altar of the Augustan Peace“) is a shrine consisting of a marble altar which is enclosed by walls. This was erected on January 30th, 9 BC in Rome’s Campus […]

U.S. Supreme Court

US Supreme Court

Date built: 1935 Location: Washington, D.C. Architect: Cass Gilbert Built under: Chief Justice Hughes Material: Marble The United States Supreme Court building also referred to as the ‘Marble Palace’ by John P. Frank, was designed based on the Roman temple form. The tall Corinthian columns that are reached by a grand flight of stairs gives […]

The Colosseum in Rome

Colosseum in Rome, Italy

Date built: 70 – 72 AD Dimensions: 189m (long side) and 156m (short side), 48m high Base Area: 24,000m2 Perimeter: 545m Capacity: 50,000 – 70,000 (90,000) people Built for: Vespasian Material: Travertine The Colosseum is a Roman Architectural Marvel, commissioned by Emperor Vespasian as a gift for his people of Rome. It was officially opened […]